*This is the english translation of the original terms and conditions .We kindly request your understanding that the terms and conditions specified in the original Japanese format shall apply & will be treated with higher priority in case there arises any contradiction with the translated version. Thank you for visiting our website (hereinafter referred to as “the Site.”) This Site is owned and operated by ELCOM Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “ELCOM”). Any persons who access the Site shall read the following terms of use. Please agree and accept that the terms of use listed below may change without notice.
  1. Copyrights The copyrights of materials (documents, photographs, illustrations, animations, sounds, software, etc.) on this Site are the possession of ELCOM or other third parties and are protected by the Copyright Act as well as other laws and agreements. Excluding the extent of quotation and reproduction for private use that is approved in the Copyright Act, without the consent of the party owning the copyright, the reproduction, adaptation or public transmission of copyrighted material is prohibited.
  2. Trademarks ELCOM products and service names that are on this Site are trademarks or registered trademarks of ELCOM.
  3. Links to this Site Links to this Site, whether commercial or non-commercial, are not permitted without contacting ELCOM in advance. Please contact us by sending e-mail to “aqa@elcom-jp.com”. However, please refrain from setting links that apply or may apply to the following.
      • Links from websites that include contents that slander ELCOM and ELCOM products, services, etc. or otherwise defame ELCOM
      • Links from websites that include illegal information
      • Links from websites that include contents that violate public order and standards of decency or accepted social ethics
      • Links such as frame links or image links, which obscure the fact that information is from this Site (Set the link so that the browser screen will change to this Site or a separate screen will open and this Site will be displayed.)
      • Links that may cause the viewer to misinterpret that there is some kind of alliance or partnership with ELCOM or that ELCOM acknowledges or approves the website linked to this Site
      • You may be asked to change the way that the link has been set up or delete the link even if the above conditions do not apply. Also, please note that the URL for this Site may be changed or deleted without advance notice.
  4. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
    • Unless stipulated otherwise, the use of this Site is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws and ordinances of Japan and the regulations, rules, etc. of the city of Tokyo.
    • Unless stipulated otherwise, the Sapporo District Court in Tokyo, Japan shall have the exclusive jurisdiction of the first trial for all disputes in connection with all controversies and disputes arising out of or relating to the use of this Site.
  5. For further information Please contact us by e-mail to”aqa@elcom-jp.com” if you have further inquiry.
